Our Values

  • 10KW Candidates agree that an individual owns the right to make choices about their own bodies and reproductive health care. Candidates know that the choices women make in this regard are often difficult, sometimes dangerous, and always expensive. Candidates also understand that no stranger has the right to make these complex choices on behalf of women they do not even know.

  • We firmly believe that all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, deserve equal rights, opportunities, and treatment. We actively work to dismantle biases, stereotypes, and discrimination that perpetuate gender-based inequalities.

  • We prioritize providing affordable and full access to comprehensive physical healthcare for all families including reproductive healthcare services, family planning, contraception, and safe abortion, as well as affordable prescription medications, and stigma-free mental health care.

  • We respect and honor the uniqueness of each person's journey and strive to build a world where privacy is respected and dignity is celebrated.

  • We emphasize the importance of making decisions based on accurate information and scientific evidence.

  • We believe that the richness of human experience is woven from a tapestry of unique perspectives, backgrounds, and identities. We stand against discrimination, bias, and exclusion in all forms. By celebrating our differences, we ignite a collective strength that propels us forward.

  • We prioritize the needs of survivors of violence and sexual trauma and advocate for comprehensive support systems, including access to counseling, medical care, and legal assistance.

  • We advocate for an equitable distribution of resources and opportunities, working to bridge the gaps that lead to social and economic disparities. We believe in addressing systemic inequalities to ensure that everyone can achieve their full potential.

  • We support equitable access to high quality public education for all children from pre-k through college.

  • We believe elected officials must listen to the concerns and needs of their constituents, taking their voices into account when crafting policies that will impact their lives. We maintain that accountability serves as the cornerstone of cultivating trust, facilitating well-informed choices, and upholding the utmost levels of integrity.